Contact us on 01332 675 878 or 07973 898 299
Keeping your information safe
Protecting your personal data is very important to us.
Collecting your information
Business processes and interactions enable us to collect further customer information during our trading relationship. Generally, we continually collect the following personal data from you: names, addresses, post codes, telephone numbers, email addresses, IP addresses, cookies, your preferences regarding how we use your personal data.
We use cookies in a responsible manner to help our customers. Cookies are used to identify you. They remember your details so that you do not have to enter them every time you visit.
* Cookies are tiny bits of information that we put on your computer to enable us to recognise you next time you visit our website. Cookies do not tell us anything about you except what you allow us to know through ordering or browsing our site, or completing online forms. For security reasons, none of your personal information or account details are stored in the cookie. Most web browsers can be set not to accept cookies, or to notify you if a cookie is sent to you. We use cookies to make your experience on our website as smooth and efficient as possible, with information customised to your needs.
Using customer information
We are committed to improving and developing our services. This is possible because of the information you choose to share with us. The data helps us understand you better and provide a more bespoke service. We use customer data for business activities such as: emailing invoices to you, communicating with you, understanding your views about us, analysing and interpreting general market trends and insights.
We do not sell, rent, or loan customer information to third parties for e-mail marketing.
We acknowledge your right to restrict how we use your data and will always ask for your consent up front before we process any communications or customer research with you.
You can always amend how you would like to be contacted by us by getting in touch.
Contact details
Please get in touch. Protecting your data is important to us. If you have any questions or issues about how we collect, store, or use the information you share with us, please contact us online.